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#1 Scissor Lift Certification & Training Online to companies and individuals.

Scissor Lift Operators

The most trusted forklift training company in the United States, Fork Lift Academy, is excited to announce the opening of its sister company Scissor Lift Academy. Scissor Lift Academy has created online training programs to prepare companies and individual workers on safely operating scissor lift machinery. Scissor lifts are used in various industries and applications, from overhead cable connections to artwork installations. To operate a scissor lift, the operator must be trained and certified under OSHA regulations. An insufficiently trained operator is not only a risk to his or her self, but they also put other employees and equipment at risk. A company that operates outside of OSHA guidelines are subject to harsh fines and punishment. By receiving instruction through Scissor Lift Academy companies and individuals can be fully compliant with OSHA regulations. 

Scissor Lift Academy’s program is spearheaded by experienced operators who will help you comply with OSHA regulations. Topics covered in the online course include fall protection and harness systems, how to competently operate the machinery, how to deal with inclement weather and unexpected conditions, and more. The online training has a duration of 1-2 hours, and upon successful completion allows students to become certified scissor lift operators under OSHA laws. Students will be able to print any OSHA-required certification upon completion of the course. In addition to online courses, Scissor Lift Academy offers in-person instruction for companies. This in-person training can be performed at the academy and at the premises of your business location. Scissor Lift Academy puts a strong focus on convenient instruction, which helps companies remain productive while they train their staff. Scissor Lift Academy’s teachers have over 20 years of experience in the industry and are able to prepare students to meet tight safety guidelines.

Scissor Lift Academy’s instruction encourages safe practices for companies and individuals. Operating an aerial lift without the prerequisite training can create a dangerous work environment, and it can present harsh punishments for a business. Scissor Lift Academy helps businesses of all types remain safe and compliant. Individuals who are looking to improve their career prospects can benefit from Scissor Lift Academy’s instruction, as aerial lift operation job opportunities are plentiful in the marketplace. The Academy presents a convenient and easy way for businesses and individuals to acquire the training and certification they need.

The quality of Scissor Lift Academy’s training is second to none. The Academy’s instruction is given by top experts who can clearly explain the safety requirements and operation procedures, which gives students exactly what they need to become lift operators. 

Scissor Lift Academy

For more information about Scissor Lift Academy, visit their website at

About Art Merino

Art Merino is an Entrepreneur to his core. He is a visionary, a disruptive force to the status quo. He became well known in the Industrial Safety field when developing a simple online learning solution to ensure OSHA compliance to the Warehouse, Distribution and Transportation field. He helps government agencies, and private sector industries to improve their Safety performance by using a common sense Safety program.  When he not working, you will find Art at the ski slopes in Lake Tahoe, or fly fishing at the bitterroot river in Missoula, Montana.